Volkswagen Group Aims To Keep Bentley and Lamborghini

What About Bugatti?

The Volkswagen Group is a powerful force to be reckoned with – but that doesn’t mean that they are invincible. With the world switching to electric powertrains compounded with the fact that VW group owns exotic petrol-based vehicle companies like Bugatti, Bentley, Lamborghini, Porsche, and Ducati; it would prove quite difficult to spend the billions of dollars transitioning all of these brands into fully EV-based motor companies. Which bedded the question, is it even worth it for the VW group to hold on to these assets? The short answer is: Yes.

After a *not-so top secret* meeting with the group’s supervisory board, the group came to their final verdict and have officially confirmed the fact that all their subsidiaries will continue to develop within the VW family.

What has happened that would cause the company to sell off their precious European motor vehicle manufacturing assets? The rumor mill has been churning out story after story the past few months regarding the group offloading some of their brands, and the reasoning has some ties with the fact that the company took a £14.45 billion loan to help stave the impacts of new emissions regulations.

Regardless, it looks like our favorite exotic car brands will remain in good hands. The only brand’s fate currently in question is – not surprisingly – Bugatti.

VW group has been using Bugatti as a potential bargaining chip in their deal with Rimac, an EV tech firm. The acquisition of more shares in Rimac for the VW group may mean they sell their precious Bugatti brand in exchange. Only time will tell.