Vintage Austin Register to Celebrate 100th of the Austin Twelve

The Vintage Austin Register is pleased to announce a rally of vintage cars will take place on  June 12th, 2022 at Stonehouse Family Farm, Bond Lane, Mountsorrel, Leicestershire, LE12 7AA, to commemorate the centenary of the Austin Twelve motor car. The aim is to gather together at least 100 surviving examples of this iconic car that helped make motoring accessible to the masses.


The Austin Twelve was developed during 1921 but its first public appearance was at the Scottish Motor Show at the Kelvin Hall in Glasgow in January 1922. As a result of this, the very first car was sold by Carlaws, the Glasgow Austin dealership, in the same month. Since those early days, the Twelve has proved to be a popular and thoroughly reliable car. It has gained a reputation for being virtually unbreakable and is considered by many to be an ideal way for a novice to enter the world of vintage motoring. The fact that almost 1,000 of these vehicles have survived to this day is testament to the build and design quality of the cars coming out of Longbridge 100 years ago. We believe the car’s 100th birthday is a significant milestone and worthy of celebrating in style. So, set aside 12th June in your diaries and come and join the party!

Probably the oldest surviving Austin Twelve. Registered 8th January 1922.

The club’s chairman, James Gosling is looking forward to the event and says “The Austin Twelve is such a remarkable car and we are proud and excited celebrate its birthday by putting as many survivors as possible on display.”

Many of us will remember reading about the adventures of Gumdrop, the blue Austin Twelve tourer that featured in Val Biro’s famous children’s books. It is hoped that Gumdrop will be at the rally, as well as Philip Smallbone’s 1922 tourer that is believed to be the oldest-surviving Austin Twelve in the country.

1927 Austin Twelve Windsor saloon.

The Vintage Austin Register is a group of enthusiasts with a passion for vintage Austin cars and they are keen for everyone who has an interest in veteran, vintage and classic vehicles, of all types, to join them at the Austin Twelve’s centenary rally. Groups of cars will be setting out from all over the country, travelling around their local areas and converging on the Stonehurst Family Farm at Bond Lane, Mountsorrel, Leicestershire, LE12 7AA where they will be on display for everyone who comes along. Other vintage Austin models are also expected to be present, making the event a wonderful day out for pre-war car enthusiasts. The owners are extremely friendly and will take great delight in showing off their cars. Any Austin Twelve owners who are not already members of the VAR are very welcome to bring their cars along.

1927 Clifton Tourer.

As well as the vintage cars, there is plenty to amuse the whole family at Stonehurst Farm. It is family-run and visitors are encouraged to meet the animals, take a trip on a tractor and trailer, enjoy a pony ride, browse around the on-site motor museum and visit the cafeteria for refreshments. The event runs from 10:00am to 4:30pm. Further details and entry forms may be obtained from Mike Eggenton at