Silver Flag Hillclimb (2017) – Information

This year’s 22nd Vernasca Silver Flag Hillclimb in Northern Italy, where passion and desire culminate in dreams of historic racing cars, will welcome some of the most beautiful cars in the world with something new on the weekend of June 1618.

“Rather than concentrating on a specific marque, we wanted to celebrate people’s passion and aspirations and allow everyone to bring the car of their dreams,” said organizer Claudio Cassali of the Club Piacentino Auto d’Epoca. “So this year, the theme of Vernasca Silver Flag is us! The fanatics and dreamers who check their pockets and who have finally managed to realize their dreams, whether we are talking about cars worth millions or a few thousand Euros.

“The Club Piacentino Auto d’Epoca (CPAE) is calling for all those who have made their dreams come true to bring ‘the most beautiful’ cars to Castell’Arquato and welcome all those who continue to dream of one day being at Vernasca Silver Flag, Goodwood, Monte Carlo or Nürburgring with the numbers in their hands, ready to stick them on the doors of their very own dream car!”

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