The Trouble With Car Tires and What to do About Them

When you think of car safety features, chances are its things like seatbelts and airbags that come to mind. Modern vehicles have all kinds of safety features now from lane change assist to parking sensors and more- but one that’s not to be overlooked is your car tires. Since these are the only part of the car in contact with the ground, your entire safety is based on their performance. Here’s how you can ensure yours are up to scratch.

Minimum Tread

Balding tires won’t provide the grip you need when braking and can be extremely dangerous. They’re also more prone to blowouts and other damage, and you could be breaking the law by driving with them. Invest in a tread depth gauge and regularly check to make sure you’re not dropping below 1.6mm on the central and outer two-thirds of the tire. Once they become worn, pop into your local car tire garage and have new ones fitted.

Seasonal Tyres

Most tires you can buy for your car can be used throughout the seasons. However, some can be purchased for very hot weather (where the ground is softer and therefore braking takes longer) or for cold weather when it’s slippery due to snow, ice, and rain. If you live in a particularly hot or cold part of the world, or just get quite intense seasons and want to be extra safe then you could consider using seasonal tires for part of the year.

Spare Tyre

Carrying a spare tire with you just makes good sense. It’s not a legal requirement to do so, but if something happens it means you can change it and be on your way. It goes without saying that you will need a car jack and the knowledge to change a tire! If you do experience a flat tire or blowout and you’re unable to put this right yourself, you could call a company like or use your breakdown cover if you have it.


Keeping your tires at their best for longer is something that’s in your best interests as a car owner. While no tires will last forever, you want to make sure you’re not wearing them out more quickly than you need to since it’s more cost. One way you can prevent this is by adjusting your driving style. Harsh braking is always going to be bad for tires, make sure you’re slowing down in plenty of time rather than slamming on your brakes at the last minute. Your tires should also be inflated correctly because over or under-inflated tires can both be dangerous. So, be sure to find out the pressure in your car’s manual and do regular checks. This can be done with a pressure gauge or at a petrol station at the air and water machine. Tyre pressure should be checked when they’re cold (not after a long journey) for the most accurate result.

Do you regularly check your tires and ensure they’re up to scratch?