I’ve been disease free for almost two and a half years. That is… until a couple of months ago.
I had been doing so well. Two and a half years without any symptoms or flare-ups. But just like previous relapses, the holidays for some reason seemed to trigger The Fever. It starts out benign enough – a little itch here, a twinge there. But then it starts to build up strength, keeping you awake until all hours of the night, making it difficult to work or, in extreme cases, carry on a normal life. This disease, which is once again wrapping its insipid fingers around me, is the dreaded “Restoration Fever”. The telltale signs of Restoration Fever are easy to spot – scabbed or bloody knuckles, discolored fingernail tips (black, blue, or red, depending on which brand of gasket sealer you use) and, of course, frequent coughing spells caused by inhaling too many solvent fumes. I know… I know. It’s not a pretty sight. But please don’t turn away in disgust. One small mistake – a quick unprotected fling with a TR3 from the wrong side of town when I was young and foolish – and now I must pay the price for the rest of my life.