Ghostbuster hit the movie theatres in 1984 to become a massive phenomenon, mixing a comedy with both science fiction and horror, all bundled into an action movie, and let’s not forget the 1984 release grossed a total of $295,000,000 in her first run, making it the first movie blockbuster in history according to the Hagerty press release. In 1989 a sequel was released, while a new attempt was made in 2016 with a reboot … but now, 37 years later, Ghostbusters Afterlife is released.
And while we loved the actors in the 1984 release, you can’t deny one of the stars was a massive car, the 1959 Cadillac with the famous license plate Ecto-1, one of those illustrious movie cars that would gain cult status over the years, and a slew of replicas have been built ever since, even today while sourcing the original base car is getting more and more difficult.