Alpine Trial Rally (2014) – Talbot Wins Inaugural Event

Photo: Gerard Brown
Photo: Gerard Brown

A Talbot 105 Alpine has won the Endurance Rally Association’s inaugural Alpine Trial, 80 years after a Talbot won the original 1934 rally —with the winning car and driver from 1934 also competing in the ERA event.

The all-British team of Gareth Burnett and Jeremy Haylock won the three-day rally, as well as being the only team to keep a “clean sheet,” while the original winner John Rushton and co-driver Michael Birch finished in 7th place.

Second place went to the 1937 Bentley Derby of Paul Carter and Robert Ellis, while seasoned rally participants Bill Cleyndert and Matthew Abrey claimed 3rd place in a 1929 Ford Model A Speedster.

Taking in the breathtaking views of Mont Blanc, the classic Col De La Colombiere and the Route Des Grande Alpes, the rally was centered around the stunning Imperial Palace hotel, on the shores of Lake Annency, covering more than 600 miles, including various time trials and medal sections.