SVRA Trans-Am SpeedFest (2021) – Recap & Photo Gallery

After the Sears Point Raceway Sonoma Speed Tour event, SVRA pulled up stakes and traveled 152 miles south to Weather Tech Raceway Laguna Seca for the SVRA 2021 Trans-Am SpeedFest.

By Saturday morning the Laguna paddock was filled to capacity with over a dozen cars pitting outside the paddock along the entrance road.

Between team and support 18 wheelers parked in the paddock alongside race cars there was hardly room to move. With over 248 cars in 12 groups SVRA kept the action on track moving.

Cars of interest to me were the two 289CI and the one 427CI Cobras brought by the Park Gang, Lynn Park, Steve Park, and Tim Park. Beautifully turned out and quickly driven. 

Jeff O’Neill’s 1969 Ex-Parnelli Jones Boss 302 Mustang took me back to my early days covering the Tran-Am for On Track Magazine.

Richard Goldsmith’s 1970 Dodge Challenger in SubLime Green was another Trans-Am standout. As a group, the Trans-Am drivers and teams put on a show.

The 1959 Mk IV Sadler driven by Greg Meyer’s garnered well-earned grins from trackside photographers and track workers as he lifted the left side front wheel high into the air every shift from 2nd to 3rd. Good show Greg!

Photo Gallery for the SVRA 2021 Trans-Am SpeedFest by Dennis Gray and Rex McAfee.

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