2016 SOVREN Spring Sprints

SOVREN Columbia Riverโ€ˆClassic (2016) – Recap & Photo Gallery

Report and photos by Bill Wagenblatt

The SOVREN Spring Sprints 2016 was held April 29 – May 1 at Pacific Raceway in Kent, Washington. The Seattle-based Society of Vintage Race Enthusiasts kicked off its 2016 season with the Spring Sprints on Friday with track time for novices and test-n-tune. Saturday and Sunday featured a full race program for all seven SOVREN race groups.

The organizers combined race groups which served to increase everyoneโ€™s track time. With close to two hours available for each group there was plenty of track time for everyone to work out the winter cobwebs and enjoy vintage racing over a wonderful spring weekend in the Pacific Northwest.

The next SOVREN event will be the Spokane Festival of Speed the first weekend in June. SOVREN will return to Pacific Raceways in July for the Pacific Northwest Historics. This yearโ€™s event will include salutes to Corvette and Cooper race cars.

SOVREN Spring Sprints 2016 – Photo Gallery (click image for larger picture)