In our annual special devoted to the latest trends and developments in personal safety gear we examine:
• The Future of Helmets—The new Snell 2010 standard will change the way you buy helmets.
• Necksavers—The latest developments in SFI-approved head and neck restraint systems.
• Racing Suit Buyers Guide—More than a dozen driver suits geared for the historic racer.
The Future of Helmets
An Interview with Bell Helmets General Manager Kyle Keitzman (by Casey Annis)
From cloth caps, to the early days of the “pudding bowl” Herbert Johnson, to today’s carbon fiber high-tech wonders, helmet technology—and safety—has seen many advancements over the past 50 years. However, in the coming year, helmet technology will take another step forward as manufacturers begin to sell a new generation of helmets designed to meet the new Snell Foundation 2010 certification standard. This new standard, which incorporates a radical shift in the way that helmets are tested, and therefore constructed, will result in helmets that are both much lighter and much safer than ever before.
In order to better understand what this new standard will mean, to us in historic racing, and how it will affect our future helmet-wearing decisions, I sat down with Bell Helmets general manager, Kyle Keitzman, to unravel what the short- and long-range future of helmet development looks like.
Annis: Over the next five years, what does the future hold for helmet technology?
Keitzman: Well, it’s interesting, because we’re approaching a new Snell certification cycle. The new Snell standard is going to be introduced later this year and the new helmets that carry this new 2010 certification will be available for sale starting in October of 2009. The main difference is that the new standard is going to adopt what we call variable head-form sizes. Historically, in the previous Snell standards, they’ve tested helmets using a 5-kg head form [dummy head] with a standard circumference to mimic the size and shape and weight of a human head. But what they’re doing now, with the new 2010 standard, is transitioning to a number of variable head forms that will better approximate the cubic mass and circumference relationship of various head sizes. For example, obviously there are people who have relatively small head circumferences, like 6-3/4, and there are people who have larger sized heads that might range from 7-3/4 to size 8. And, obviously, with the larger circumference and size, those heads are going to be heavier. So, what they’ve done is they’ve basically taken those head forms and are orienting those, in terms of weight and size, to mimic the shape of the human head.
Annis: So will you actually be getting separate certifications on specific-sized helmets within a particular model?
Keitzman: Exactly. You’re now going to see certifications for a small, a medium, a medium-large, a large, and an extra-large size range. Snell has created six different head forms to test. So, an E head form will measure a size circumference of 54 cm, the J would measure 57 cm, the M would measure 60 cm, and the O would measure 62 cm (see table). Additionally, as part of the new testing standards, they’ve also lowered the allowable G threshold, so for example, if you are a medium-sized head, you’d be tested on the J head form. Your drop mass (weight of the dummy head to be tested) would be 4.7 kg, and your certification criteria would be 275 Gs—down from the previous 290 Gs. Your velocities would go from 7.75 ms on the first drop to 6.78 milliseconds on the second drop. So what they are trying to do is manage the size of the head and then develop a G standard associated with that particular product.
Interestingly, in the larger helmets, the G threshold actually gets lower. So, in the N head form, which would be 60 cm, the allowable G load would go down to 264 and in the case of the O head form, which corresponds to 62 cm, it goes down to 243.
Annis: So if I still have some grasp of my physics from school, since total force is equal to mass times acceleration (F = ma), they’re allowing less total Gs of force for larger heads because their mass is greater, while the speed of the potential impact is presumably the same? Or to put it another way, if a driver with a large head and one with a small head were in an accident—assuming the speed of the accident were the same and both were wearing identical helmets under the old Snell standard—the person with the smaller head would suffer less force, because their head weighs less?
Keitzman: Yes, exactly. In the case of the Snell test, basically they’re measuring and controlling the velocity of impact so, obviously, if you have a heavier head form and you drop it from the same height, it’s going to come down much quicker based on the pull of gravity. So they’ve got to alter that and alter that G level to compensate. So, it’s made it a bit more challenging for manufacturers. What we found that this translated to in our particular product, we’re having to go with a much stiffer shell and a much lower density liner now, in order to meet these new thresholds. So really, it’s changing the way that we have built helmets in the past and it’s going to significantly change the way we will build helmets in the future.
Annis: Are you finding that it’s now much more difficult to make a very large helmet that passes the new criteria versus a small one?
Keitzman: They all have their unique challenges. So, it’s not defined on a constant scale. Every helmet size now is a little bit more unique. We’re finding that we may have to change the construction somewhat between sizes in a given model…one lay-up and liner combination may work in one size, but may not work in another. So we’re really altering that. The other thing that we’re doing is we’re looking at new, advanced shell construction methods to give us as light a weight shell as possible that’s also as strong as possible. So those are some things that I think, over the next several years, you’re going to see even though we’ve increased the requirements for the helmet and made the standard itself a little bit more stringent, you’re going to see people still trying to continue to produce helmets in as low a weight as possible and as small a volume as possible.
Annis: Speaking as someone with one of those gargantuan 7-3/4-size heads, I have to say this kind of worries me!
Keitzman: It is certainly a big change and departure for Snell and the industry, really. This new regime does follow more what the Europeans are doing with their EC22 standard, which is more of a motorcycle-style standard. But they use variable head forms, and variable drop masses so, it’s kind of starting to get everybody in line, across the globe, with sort of similar approaches to testing helmets. And they’ve backed up a lot of what they’ve done with the standard, with scientific analysis and research to prove out that people who have larger head sizes do have more mass there and thus heavier weight.
Annis: So, for each helmet tested it is dropped twice and there are different criteria for the first and second drops?
Keitzman: Right, and what’s interesting about the drop heights, the velocities are relatively the same for the first impact, but where the difference really lies is the second impact. So, for example, the drop heights on the second impact for an O head form, which is an extra-large helmet, is going to be much lower than the second drop height on a E head form, which is for a small helmet. So that’s really the difference in just being able to make sure you manage that first and second impact when they drop the helmets.
Annis: What sort of materials will you be using, going forward, to meet these new standards, and where do you see the new technology advances coming from?
Keitzman: We’re using a lot more carbon in helmet construction to make them lighter weight, so you’ll continue to see advances there. And certainly, everybody is always trying to develop better bead material that manages energy. At this point, we haven’t found anything that manages energy for helmet construction better than the EPS or polystyrene-style beads that are available. So, what we are constantly trying to do is find a bead material that will manage energy and also rebound better on impact because most of the testing standards require multiple impacts. So, you’ll continue to see developments there. A lot of materials are being developed now for the automotive industry, because these bead materials are being used in bumpers and other parts of safety systems for the automotive industry, so we’re seeing more development in that area as well. On the material side, you know you still continue to see a lot of development in terms of carbon and Kevlar materials and different weaves that are developed, not only for helmets, but also for the aerospace industry and other industries as well.
Annis: How do the new advances in head and neck restraint systems figure in with you guys in terms of, is there more of a concerted push now to be designing helmets in conjunction with those, and is there any technological overlap where the two may meet more in the future?
Keitzman: Well, there are some initial steps that certainly develop the helmet in conjunction with head and neck restraint systems. For example, the new Snell standard will have a component that will test for compatibility of the helmet shell with head and neck restraint devices. And certainly, when you look at the attachment points or anchor points, where the device is attached to the sides of the helmets, you certainly have to make sure that you’ve got the proper reinforcement in those areas to withstand the lateral shear force that they may see in an impact. So, that’s certainly something that we’re all doing now and will continue to do. I think the next step, really is to, over the next few years, start to view the helmets and HANS as part of the overall driver safety system within the car. So, then, you’re looking at head surrounds. You’re looking at the new containment seats that are being developed. And you’re really trying to design helmets so that they work in conjunction with all of the other safety apparatuses and make sure that they are designed to manage the types of impacts that you would see actually inside the car or in open configurations outside the car, any object that may hit the helmet.
It’s really changed quite a bit because, prior to head and neck restraint devices and better seats, we always just kind of looked at the helmet as a stand-alone part of the safety aspect for drivers. So, really, the testing that has been done in the past has been based more on motorcycle standards and now, I think, we’re getting to the point where we’re really starting to view helmet safety for auto helmets separately than the rest of the industry, and we’ll continue to move in that fashion.
Annis: Looking at the next 5–10 years, is there a particular technology or area of new development you see on the horizon? What do you think will be the next hot technology in helmet design?
Keitzman: The next wave of helmet technology will be custom helmets that will be basically custom-built around the driver’s individual dimensions and geometry. So, what you will see going forward, and certainly there will be a price associated with this technology, you will see people who are competing at higher levels within the sport or people who may have the resources will be able to—within the next year or two, and maybe even quicker than that—buy helmets from manufacturers like Bell that take their individual head geometry into consideration. So, their complete head would be scanned, a liner would be developed specifically for their head shape, and the padding around the cheek and jawbone area will also be designed specifically for their head shape. So, that will offer a much more custom fit for helmet products that are to be offered in the future.
Annis: Any idea of the ballpark cost and what kind of premium that would add on to any given helmet?
Keitzman: I hate to quote specific numbers, but I would say that probably you’re looking at $7,500 to $10,000 for that type of helmet, and that price would include a custom liner and it would probably include two helmets and all the interior fitting that would be done specific for the customer. Obviously, that seems relatively expensive but the reality is that there is some work associated with doing that and you’ve got to do the scanning process. You’ve got to make inserts for tooling and do those things as well, and then you’ve got the whole customer fit phase that you have to work with the client. But I think that is something that is coming on the horizon. Sooner rather than later, you’ll see companies make announcements on that type of technology.
Annis: And I would imagine too, that like any technology, that price will then drop pretty quickly, as it becomes more and more commonplace.
Keitzman: Yes, I think so, and I think within that realm, there’s probably going to be degrees of customization that is offered. For example, one individual may just want their head scanned and they just may want the circumference of their head to better match the inside of the helmet so they eliminate pressure points and those types of things. So, I think you’ll see this as really being more of a scale technology in building custom helmets for people who have the resources to do that. One other factor to consider is that once we have someone’s measurements and once we have custom liners that are specific to them, then when they go to reorder that product, then they’re typically going to be paying a price very similar to what a normal helmet would retail for. Because you’ve already done all the R & D work, you’ve already done all of the tooling that you need to do, so reproducing the third, fourth, and fifth helmet is not, at that point, going to be that much different from producing a regular, normal production helmet.
Annis: Is it purely a difference in comfort or is there an actual safety advantage as well in terms of the better fit? Does it translate at all in terms of the way the helmet functionally works?
Keitzman: Certainly, within that process, there is a minimum level that you can go, because you certainly do not want to remove any liner material from the normal circumference of the inside liner. So, what you are really talking about is you are actually adding material. You’re adding foam protection. So, if you are adding energy-absorbing material, then that certainly is positive in terms of helmet performance. The other thing that you’re doing is you’re eliminating the tendency for people to gravitate toward a larger size helmet than they probably should wear, simply because it’s a little bit more comfortable for them and it doesn’t have pressure points. So, I think, while adding fill material is certainly positive from a protection standpoint, the fact that you’re now properly sizing this helmet or custom sizing this helmet, to the actual head geometry of the racer makes that a better helmet because it’s not going to shift or move during an impact. And, you cannot understate or underestimate the importance of good helmets in an impact.
Neck Savers
Keeping your head while all about you were losing theirs has always been good advice, but in a racing accident it is essential for survival (by John Zimmermann)
The human body is an incredibly durable and resilient entity, but at the same time also remarkably fragile, with perhaps no part more so than the connection of our all-powerful heads to the trunk of our bodies. Our bony skulls balance tenuously atop our articulated spines, insulated, more or less, by load-bearing cartilage and held in place solely by the muscles, tendons, and ligaments in our necks. Our spinal cord runs through the center of our vertebrae and connects to the brain through a hole in the floor of the skull, called the foramen magnum.
As the forces endured by drivers of racing cars escalated over the years, these tenuous connections were regularly stressed and often found wanting, with fatalities not uncommon. The body, strapped securely into the car with a belt or harness, remained restrained upon impact, but the head was not similarly obliged.
Not much thought had been given this potential problem, however, until Patrick Jacquemart encountered brake failure during a 1981 test of his GTU Renault at Mid-Ohio and died in the ensuing crash. The cause of his death was a basal skull fracture incurred when the incredible forces generated during the impact of the crash stretched his neck beyond the limits of survival.
One of Jacquemart’s friends and fellow competitors was Jim Downing. Jim’s brother-in-law, Bob Hubbard, was a professor of biomechanical engineering at Michigan State University who, while working as an ergonomist for General Motors, designed the instrumented heads of the anthropomorphic figures we know as “Crash Test Dummies.”
Drawing inspiration from Jacquemart’s death, they sought a solution to the problem, eventually settling upon a collar that slipped under the driver’s shoulder belts and then employed a series of short straps to secure the helmet, and consequently the head, in place, atop the shoulders. They called their invention HANS, for Head And Neck Support.
Downing began racing with Hubbard’s first working prototype in 1984, and after three more years of development, they obtained a patent for the device. By 1991, they’d incorporated and sold their first customer model, but acceptance was slow in coming. Then, during the 2000 season, NASCAR lost three drivers to basal skull fractures, and on the last lap of the 2001 Daytona 500, stock car racing’s most visible star, Dale Earnhardt, suffered a similar fate.
That broke open the floodgates as everyone quickly rushed to be seen to be doing something to prevent similar losses in the future. The HANS Rush was on. Eight years down the road, the original HANS device has been joined by over a dozen similar implements, all designed to stop these basal skull injuries, but in slightly different ways. As a result of this wave of new development, some form of restraint system is now commonplace in professional racing series around the world.
Since we first assessed the head and neck restraint scene two years ago, the independent safety testing association, SFI, has developed a new testing standard (SFI 38.1) dedicated to confirming the efficacy of these devices to limit the transference of force to the neck. This standardization and certification process is similar to SFI’s long-standing programs for certifying the claims made by manufacturers of helmets and fire-retardant driving suits.
Certification for SFI Specification 38.1 is decided by independent laboratory tests measuring the forces exerted on a helmeted crash-test dummy belted into a dynamic crash sled that simulates a racecar cockpit. The tests include two full-frontal impacts and one 30-degree right-frontal impact representative of a 43.5-mph (70-kph) crash, during which the test dummy’s upper-neck tension and compression levels must measure less than 720-lb/f (3200N). As with any testing methodology, opinions about this one are mixed, but the 38.1 is the accepted industry standard, at the moment.
What follows is an overview of the commercially available head and neck restraints that meet the standards of SFI Specification 38.1. These products are listed in alphabetical order. Additionally, we have also collected the contact information (see sidebar) of a number of other devices, which at the time of going to press, do not have SFI certification.
Prices for these devices may vary, with some relatively high, but look at it this way: If it saves your life once, isn’t it worth it?
Unique features abound in the brand-new DefNder, beginning with the raised collar that is secured at each lower end by the shoulder harness passing through flared channels, and at the upper ends attaches to the back of the vertical support chassis that also has a channel on each side for the shoulder belts. Underlying the entire setup are flexible Formfit pads to provide a comfortable cushion between the device and the contours of each individual’s body. Unhindered lateral movement is permitted by the Motion-Max tether system. All the hard parts are made from an injection-molded Dupont composite, and the one-size-fits-all device adjusts to suit virtually any cockpit setup. The DefNder retails for $549.
Innovative Safety Technology
10928 Wheatlands Ave., Ste A
Santee, CA 92071
(619) 448-0053
Hubbard Downing Inc.
5096 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30341
(888) HANS-999
The Leatt-Brace® is an injection-molded, glass-reinforced nylon, carbon fiber and Kevlar neck support designed by medical professionals “to achieve optimum reduction in neck forces without compromising other body dynamics.” It is a more complex device than the standard HANS, consisting of two half-collars that surround the neck, attaching to each other with over-center levers, and to the helmet with tether straps. It is then held in place by the shoulder harness, which fits over a pair of well-channeled tabs on each side that integrate the various pieces into a single, 360-degree protective unit designed to permit the wearer ease of lateral movement. The Leatt-Brace retails for $695.
Leatt Corporation, Inc.
Distribution Office
24842 Rockefeller
Valencia, CA 91355
(800) 691-3314
LFT Technologies
In partnership with Safety Solutions, LFT Technologies makes five different restraint devices that meet SFI 38.1, including two versions of LFT’s R3 model, and three different Hutchens Hybrid variants. These differ from the “standard” designs in that they employ a system of straps and belts around the torso to achieve their restraining capabilities rather than a neck collar. The Hutchens Hybrid Pro is the company’s current emphasis, as it lowers neck tension in both the frontal and 30-degree angular impacts of the SFI test. It also has a lower “top” section that permits easier ingress to and egress from the vehicle in question. Available in a range of sizes, prices range from $725 for the Hutchens Pro model to $1500 for the Hutchens Hybrid X.
LFT Technologies/Safety Solutions
115 Cloverhill Road
Mooresville, NC 28117
(800) 731-4404
SFI Specification 38.1 – Approved Head & Neck Restraint Systems:
DefNder Team Issue
HANS Performance Products (all series)
Leatt Brace Moto-R
Safety Solutions R3
Safety Solutions R3 Rage
Safety Solutions Hutchens Hybrid Pro
Safety Solutions Hutchens Hybrid Rage
Safety Solutions Hutchens Hybrid X
The following companies produce similar restraining devices that have, as yet, not been approved by SFI.
Isaac • Several levels of protection are provided by various Isaac® devices, which use small dampers to inhibit head travel. For further information, visit Speedway Safety Equipment LLC • Former Winston Cup crew chief George White first began developing his strap-based restraint system, the “White Device,” in 1980. For the full story go to
TEAMTECH Motorsports Safety, Inc. • Devised by Curt Tucker, the Tucker Helmet Harness is belt-based and works with a foam neck brace. For complete information visit
Racing Suits
Historic racecar drivers are as varied and unique as the racing suits they wear. As a result, we’ve collected over a dozen significant new suit options for vintage car racers featuring an array of reputable manufacturers and varying price ranges.
The new Supertech 3-layer suit’s 100% Nomex® construction maximizes comfort and safety with an outer layer combining L&G and Ripstop fabrics for a light and breathable suit. L&G mixes Nomex and Carbon for ultra-light weight and excellent fire resistance, while Ripstop offers greater breathability with no compromise in heat or flame resistance. The intermediate Nomex felt layer gives good heat transfer protection, while the internal layer uses a new Nomex felt.
Price: $1,599.95
(310) 891-0222
Crow Enterprizes
Looking good and feeling even better. Crow’s latest lightweight Nomex® suit features 180-degree shoulder and back-waist gussets for ease of movement, and the interior is lined with soft Nomex knit for additional comfort. The legs have straight cuffs with stirrups. This suit is 30% lighter than comparable Proban models, and carries a TPP 26 rating.
Available in Black in sizes Medium, Large and X-Large.
Price: $241
(714) 879-5970
G-Force Racing Gear
G-FORCE Racing Gear’s new GF545 is one of the lightest, SFI-5 rated driving suits available. It features 2-layer Nomex® construction and comes standard with Daytona epaulets, 360-degree radius arm holes, box quilting, an adjustable belt, deep pockets, high back collar and semi-shiny finish.
Price: $399.99-$449.99
(770) 998-8855
Hinchman Racing Uniforms
Hinchman Racing Uniforms is still producing racing suits like those made famous by the big stars of the 1960s and 1970s. The new suits, however, are produced using modern materials and comfort options. All suits are made to individual order, with prices starting at $1399.00. Give them a call to discuss your specific requirements.
Price: $1399 and up
(877) 622-8662
Impact! Racing Products
Impact Racing’s suits feature 360-degree arm gussets with floating sleeves, adjustable belt, exclusive lower back gusset, and box quilting for superior retardation of heat transfer. Options include ribbed-knit cuff or boot-cut cuff. Shown here with wrap-around collar, but banded collar is also available. Twelve other styles and 17 colors are available. SFI-5/FIA rated.
Price: $1,199.99 and up
(317) 852-3067
K1 Racegear
K1 Racegear’s top-line racing suit is made from dual-layer DuPont Nomex® III, and meets SFI standard 3.2A/5. Elasticity is featured both around the shoulders, to allow a full range of 360º motion, and the lower back, where a stretch panel provides added comfort.
Price: $375
(714) 268-0710
Leaf Racewear
Leaf Racewear’s Pro Series double-layer suits offer a blend of comfort, fit, and protection, featuring the combination of a woven Nomex® outer and a lightweight liner for increased breathability. Tailored fitting, box quilting, radial sleeves, and inset pant pockets are all standard. Suits are manufactured to the customer’s specifications, permitting individual designs ranging from the simplest to the most imaginative.
Prices: $799 and up
(519) 659-1115
OMP Auto Racing Suits
The Vintage Superleggera is OMP’s new offering, an FIA-homolgated, SFI-approved suit featuring three layers of ultra-light knit fabric in classic one-piece style. The two primary color combinations are an off-white shell with a red stripe and pale blue with a white stripe, although other colors and stripe positionings are possible upon request.
Price: $1,699
(866) OMP-2637
Phoenix Custom Apparel
All suits are custom-built to fit the individual customer and manufactured in Phoenix’s Denver plant, with in-house embroidery and other types of custom decoration available. Among the features are thumb loops, ankle straps, and bootcuffs. The use of different fabrics allows construction of suits with SFI ratings from 1 to 20, and the price varies with options, but ranges from $260 for the least expensive 1-layer suit to $1,500 for an SFI 20 in European fabric.
Price: $260-$1,500
(303) 289-3540
Puma Motorsport
(714) 847-1501
(813) 642-6644
Simpson Performance Products
Simpson Performance Products offers an extensive line of high performing fire retardant fabrics featuring Nomex® that exceed fire safety requirements. Every suit is anatomically designed and hand-tailored for exceptional fit, using over 15 measurements unique to you. Use their Custom Driving Suit Design tool to design your own suit. A huge selection of off-the-rack suits is also available.
Price: Made to order suits from $1500
(888) 872-7848
Sparco USA
Sparco’s latest offering features a main body made of sateen Nomex® with shiny Nomex inserts for the contrasting color panels. Fully floating sleeves and a soft, abrasion-resistant internal collar lining provide extra comfort for the wearer, while double fireproof stitching of the lateral inserts complements the breathable and heat-transmission-resistant fabric.
Price: $849
(800) 224-RACE
Stand 21 Racewear
Stand 21’s latest FIA- and SFI-approved ST3000 suits are constructed of stretchable, multidirectional material, in 2- or 3-layer styles according to your protection needs. Pre-formed Lycra/Aramid floating sleeves and spring quilting stitches allow a comfortable fit, while other features include tailored pockets, an anti-injury inner belt, and an optional free soft collar.
Price: Custom suits from $1,999
(770) 965-7880
Team Tech Motorsports
Team Tech Motorsports offers SFI 3/2A-1 Proban or Nomex® through 3/2A-15 Nomex, Aramid/Kevlar fire suits in universal sizes as well as virtually unlimited possibilities for custom applications in countless colors. High-quality workmanship and materials are standard, and fast turnaround of your order is promised.
Price: $150-950
(989) 792-4880
Ultrashield’s Nomex® double layer, one-piece suit features 360º shoulder gussets and a stretch panel in the lower back area for greater freedom of movement. A straight leg cuff, side seam pockets, and color-matched stitching are featured, as well as arm cuffs with embroidered logos.
Price: $499.99 and up
(800) 832-7292