Rahal Gets Straight at Laguna Seca

Bobby Rahal has won more Ch­amp Car races at Mazda Race­way Lag­una Seca as a driver and team ow­ner than anyone else in the history of the storied race track. Now his name will be linked to the fac­ility in perp­etuity.

In a dedication ceremony during September’s ALMS round, the chall­eng­ing section of Laguna Seca from the exit of Turn 6 up the hill to the entrance of the Corkscrew was renamed “The Rahal St­raight,” honoring one of the great fri­ends of this historic venue.

“Laguna Seca has always had a special place in my heart,” said Rahal, who won the Champ Car race here as a dri­ver four consecutive years in a row from 1984–1987. “To have a section of what is one of the crown jewels in Am­erican road racing bear my name is an honor beyond belief. I am truly humbled.”