[Book Review] Colin Chapman – Wayward Genius

Colin Chapman – Wayward Genius

By Mike Lawrence

This is the authoritative work on Chapman, no doubt about it. It pulls no punches and removes all sentiment from a consideration of the real Colin Chapman. Mike Lawrence is probably the hardest researcher in the business and he has used his skill as an inquisitor to deliver, at last, a substantial amount of evidence about one of the great designers. A lot has been written about Chapman and Lotus, and some of it is true, but very little of it has managed to produce a balanced and accurate, warts and all, portrait of the man. It is about time that we are seeing such in depth biographies about significant characters in motorsport, and have left the rose-colored sch­maltz behind.

Having said that, I am not without criticism. I really wanted this to go on for another 200 pages. Mike Lawrence knows more “dirty stories” about racing than anyone. I really wanted him to explore the theory some people had/have that Colin is alive and well in Rio! I think I also would have liked to hear a bit more about how Mike got some of his info. There are still a number of people reluctant to talk about the Chapmans of this world. There clearly should have been more photos….the Lotus story was so visual! A number of typos also detract somewhat but this is the best yet on Chapman. I wish Mike would do Bernie!

Published by Breedon Books, Derby, UK, 2002.