Can-Am Cars in Detail
By Pete Lyons and Peter Harholdt
Only in the 1960s could the Can-Am have existed. Many of society’s antiquated rules, procedures, and ways of thinking were cast aside as the burgeoning postwar generation asked of virtually everything its signature question: “Why not?”
In motor racing, the Can-Am led the way. Born of a minimalist approach to rules, it represented not only freedom, but power, as monstrous engines propelled sleek projectiles around racetracks faster than anything ever seen before. Because our society will apparently let no excess go unpunished, however, before even a decade had passed the Can-Am was gone, a victim of its own independence, doomed to live only in our memories.
Thankfully those memories are strong, as if we actually knew what had been lost, and books such as this help them survive. VR columnist Pete Lyons and photographer Peter Harholdt have created a masterwork featuring 22 of the most significant Can-Am cars. Harholdt’s images capture every detail, and Lyons is always eloquent when writing about the cars he loves more than any others.
The standard edition is available for US$99.95 from David Bull Publishing, (602) 852-9500, or, and there’s a forthcoming Publisher’s Edition that takes everything even farther. Vive l’indépendance!