Porsche Panamera

Porsche Panamera – 10 Years and Counting

Porsche Panamera Reaches Decade-Milestone

Shortly before it was released, the Panamera could certainly have been considered a gamble by Porsche. While it is true that their SUV experiment conducted a few years earlier – with the Cayenne – was an overall success, further diluting its lineup with another 4-door vehicle seemed like a questionable move by the company best known and revered for its relatively diminutive sports cars.

Fast forward 10 years and over 235,000 sales later, and it appears the risk has been duly rewarded. The Panamera has undergone a variety of changes over the years to address a modern marketplace with rapidly shifting demands and tastes. There must be huge credit given to Porsche’s fleet-footedness in responding to change, as this is certainly what has allowed a niche car within a high-end brand to not only survive, but thrive.

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