Points are everywhere. Points of view, points of interest, points of land, Stableford points, penalty points, sharp points, blunt points, credit card points, airline points and many more. However, since this is a motor sport publication, we should restrict ourselves to the awarding of points for motor sports endeavors.
Howden Ganley
All racing series hand out points in greater or lesser quantities. Let us compare those of three main championships, NASCAR, Indycar and Formula One. The first two cover most of the field, and in the case of NASCAR, they are now awarding points at different stages of the race. Personally, I rather like that idea, for if somebody has led most of the race and then falls out near the end, he or she has at least been rewarded for all the effort made over the majority of the laps. A well-known, formerly racing-oriented publication has criticized this as being too complicated, but to a simple country boy like myself it seems very straightforward.