Whether or not most of us realize it, a most unusual man is among us. Until the late ’50s, he was one of the very few Americans of international road racing caliber. As you read this, John Fitch is 88 years old. His life is the stuff of legend.
Fitch poses with his factory 300SL at technical inspection for the 1955 Mille Miglia. Fitch went on to score a stunning class win, a fact often eclipsed by MossÕs historic win in the 300 SLR that year. Photo: Bernard Cahier
Fitch burst onto the world scene in early 1951 at “The General Peron Grand Prix.” (The first Argentine Grand Prix, for sports cars). A number of leading European teams of the time were joined by a few Americans, north and south. John wanted to come, but he didn’t own a suitable car. So he borrowed a tired Cad-Allard from his friend, Tom Cole, and won the race over faster and better equipment. The best part of the story, however, is that he was kissed by the race queen, who also happened to be the uncrowned queen of the country, one Evita Peron.