Our featured site this month has taken on the daunting task of tracking the history of individual racecars from the 3-liter Formula One period, Formula A/5000, Center-Seat Can-Am and the Tasman Race Series.

Each section is organized in such a way that there is a listing of each manufacturer that took part in a given series. Once a manufacturer is selected, one can then choose a given model. What follows is a list of each chassis of that model. Selecting a particular chassis number calls up a table which shows the entire race-by-race record for that chassis, including driver and finishing position.

Of the four car categories, the F5000 and Center-seat Can-Am sections are the most comprehensive. However, within each of the segments there is an impressive amount of information compiled from both published sources and direct communication with car owners. For those interested in researching specific cars or race results from these series, this will prove a very valuable resource.
