Photo Gallery from the Nov. 4–6, 2022, Nostalgia Drags Nitro Revival at Irwindale Speedway, in Irwindale, California.
Plymouth Gasser
Gasser PU
Gasser wars
Line of fire
Line of fire cackle power
40 Ford Deluxe-Hot Rod
40 Ford Deluxe-Hot Rod
Hilman Gasser
Gasser Stacks
Panic Attack
Angelia Gasser
Plymoth Taxi Gasser
Outlaw Gassers
Outlaw Gassers
Scale models for sale
Ready to rumble
Sonny Messners Swamp Rat III-Don Garlits
Funny Car line
Rat Trap Fuel Altered
Kazanjian Funny Car
Roadster burnout
AFX Chevy SS lays some rubber
Mopar Muscle AFX class smokes the tire
Ford muscle
Panic Attack Gasser
Top Fuel power
Front engine dragster