Monoposto Crowns 2002 Champions

After a hard-fought season of single-seater racing, Monoposto racing announced the winners of the 2002 national championship. In the Formula 70 category for winged and slicks cars, Danny Baker of San Francisco, California, was named class champion after posting three 1st places this year in his 1979 Ralt RT1.

In the Formula Classic category for F2, FF, F.Jr and Super Vee cars, Kevin Smith of Lake Forest, IL, compiled five 1st place finishes and 100 points to take the class’s overall championship in his 1972 Titan MK6. Individual class champions also included: Bob Goeldner, Formula B; Frank Newton, Formula Vee; Marv Primack, Formula Jr.; Ted Wenz, Formula 2 (2-Liter)/F5000; and Jerome Peters, Super Vee. Congratulations to all of this year’s Monoposto winners.