Mike Jiggle Takes Over Role as European Editor

After some 15 years as founding European Editor of Vintage Racecar, Ed McDonough has elected to ease graciously into semi-retirement and hand over the baton to our own Mike Jiggle (left). McDonough will remain with Vintage Racecar/Vintage Roadcar as Editor-at-Large and will continue to contribute the occasional behind-the-wheel profile that he has become synonymous with. According to Publisher/Editor Casey Annis, “While sadly, I always knew this day would eventually come, I’m heartened that Ed will now have more time to do the things he enjoys, including racing vintage go-karts! Strangely, I always thought you were supposed to start your racing career in karts, not end it! But Ed is a remarkable guy, so who knows, where he might go from here.”

Taking over as European Editor is Mike Jiggle, who is a 10-year veteran of Vintage Racecar and Parabolica Publishing’s European operations in his own right. Commented Jiggle: “Ed has done a tremendous job during his tenure as European Editor, and we have a lot to thank him for. I trust I can match his record. Motor racing has been part of my life, one way or another, from the time I was a schoolboy.

“Since joining VR’s European team I’ve been able to share my interest with readers through interviews and features with legends of the track.  To me, Vintage Racecar is a motor racing magazine created by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts. In the months and years ahead I will continue to foster that ethic.”