Koenigsegg Jesko

Koenigsegg Jesko Has Some (Very Loud) Fun In The Sun

Koenigsegg is one of those car companies that like to push limits and use technology to make their hypercars faster, more efficient, and at times sound downright nasty.

It’s on that last point that Koenigsegg simply slipped a small clip of the Jesko playing around in the sun into their Instagram a day or so ago. Koenigsegg is based at an old Swedish Air Force base, and as such, has a lovely runway to use.

And use it they did!


The first words out of most of our mouths when we heard this snarling vicious beast included quite a few curse words, along with a smattering of “Wow” and “Oh my god” interjected.

Oh, and if that wasn’t dramatic enough, after a couple of warm-up runs where they only pushed it maybe 20%, it does a couple of full power runs. The 5.0-liter twin-turbo V8 that pushes out just over 1,600 BHP goes from being a snarling beast to a screaming banshee, spitting fire for full effect!

Koenigsegg Jesko

And on the return run, where the induction noise mixed with the echo of the exhaust, for a couple of moments, it sounds like a mid 90’s Formula 1 V12 car. That ungodly scream mixed with the bellowing thunder of the exhaust… it raises the hairs on the back of your neck…

And this isn’t even the fast version, the Jesko Absolut. This is the “normal” Jesko that can reach at least 250 MPH with downforce over the whole car reaching 3,100 lbs!

The age of the hypercar is truly upon us properly now.