Italian Police Use a Lamborghini Huracan to Urgently Transport a Kidney from Rome to Padua

300 Miles in Just Over Two Hours

It what’s possibly the coolest story about police anywhere in the world in 2020, Italian police managed to provide a life-saving kidney to a hospital in record time thanks to a Lamborghini Huracan

Yes, the police force in Italy has a few Lamborghini Huracans at its disposal, and they’re using them for good. A kidney was in need of transport from Rome to Padua—about 300 miles. To get the much-needed organ to Gemelli University Hospital in record time, police tossed the kidney in the frunk of the supercar and sped off.

Italian police lamborghini huracan

It took a little over two hours for the car to make the trip. It averaged 145 mph on the way to its destination. The kidney was then successfully used in an operation, according to EN24.

The police Huracans are special cars, featuring recording equipment, video cameras, VHF police radio, portable fire extinguishers, and they even come with a refrigeration system for the luggage compartment in the front of the car. This frunk in these cars is designed specifically for an organ transplant, so this won’t be the last time Italian authorities make a life-saving run like this in speed and style, how Italian.