Is Shanghai the next Motorcity?

We already know that China is the center of manufacturing, but now the second wave is hitting us and the Shanghai Auto Show which opens tomorrow is a huge sign of things to come.

What’s on display are numerous concepts that were engineered, styled and manufactured in China. This is the first step in what will be a sea change of complete product development and deployment from China. With the decay of Detroit, what we might have on our hands is the next generation ‘Motor City’.

It’s already been well reported that British marque MG is now a Chinese export, and the cars just might be more reliable for it. Enormous opportunities have also fueled some startups like Chery and Roewe which are now showing some promising concepts in Shanghai. Many of the old timers have also realized the potential, like GM who are previewing the new Buick Riviera overseas!

Today we take a look at the Shanghai releases which are joined by a few cars from the recently completed Seoul Motor Show:

2007 BMW Concept CS
2007 Roewe W2 Concept
2007 Chery Shooting Sport Concept
2007 Buick Riviera Concept
2007 Hyundai HND-3 Veloster Concept
2007 Kia KND-4 Concept