IMRRC Sets Racing History Symposium

The International Motor Racing Research Center is again partnering with the Society of Automotive Historians for an academic symposium on racing. The second annual Jean S. Argetsinger Symposium on International Motor Racing History will take place Friday and Saturday, November 11 and 12, at the Racing Research Center, 610 S. Decatur St., Watkins Glen, New York.

This academic forum offers graduate students, professors and historians an opportunity to present on any subject reflecting the rich cultural history of motor racing. Dan Simone, curator of the NASCAR Hall of Fame in Charlotte, will give the keynote address on Saturday.

Pat Yongue, a professor in the University of Houston English Department and an expert on women in racing, will be the symposium moderator. Yongue is a member of the SAH International Motor Sports History Section, which is partnering with the Racing Research Center. The public is invited to attend, and pre-registration is not required.

Presentations will cover topics such as racing in Cuba, the origins of the Targa Florio, racing by early electric vehicles, 1962 and 1963 NASCAR Grand National Champion Joe Weatherly, the 1923 Italian and European Grand Prix and NASCAR and its TV ratings.

Eleven papers will also be presented. Because of the high number, two will be presented on Friday evening at 7 p.m. Saturday’s schedule will begin at 10 a.m., with the keynote address planned for 1 p.m. A detailed schedule can be seen at

The international Society of Automotive Historians encourages research into any aspect of automotive history. The SAH actively supports the compilation and preservation of papers, organizational records, print ephemera and images to safeguard, broaden and deepen the understanding of motorized, wheeled land transportation through the modern age and into the future. For more information about the SAH, please visit the website