Subscriber Photo Gallery form the Dec. 1–2, 2018, HSRCA Tasman Festival at Sydney Motorsport Park.
The 1969 Elfin 600B of Ross Hodgson.
The Holden Torana SS of David Falvey.
Richard Rose in his MGA 1600 followed by the Ford Mustang of Warren De Guara.
Bruce Taylor’s Tiga SC 81 Sports 2000 with the Tiga SC80 of Kevin Gray behind.
Paul Savoy’s Cooper T39 Bobtail.
Syd Reinhardt in his 1963 GSM Dart with the Alfa Romeo Alfetta GTV of Metodia Karanfilovski on the outside.
The Jaguar E-type of Philip Smart.
Anthony Paynter in his Stag FV leading the Spectre FV of David Cutts.
Ian Cutcher (Rennmax Mk2 FV) a wheel in front of Stephen Normoyle (Spectre FV).
Michael Henderson in his 1972 Mawer Clubman.
Jamie Tilley just out in front with his Ford Mustang, with Wayne Rogerson looking for a way on the inside in his Mazda RX2 followed by the Holden Torana of Christopher Thomas.
The Neal Ford of Herb Neal followed closely by Wayne Wilson’s Brabham BT29.
Robert Buckley’s Golford followed by the Faux Pas of David Reid and the Thompson Special of Barry Bates.
Damon Hancock looking his smooth self in his 1967 Brabham BT23C.
The Golford of Robert Buckley.
Daniel Nolan driving the Nola Chev.