How To Prepare Your Garage For Your BMW i8

We are starting to see more electric cars in the supercar market, and undoubtedly one of the most impressive is the stunning BMW i8. If you are considering making the switch over and going electric, there might be no better car out there. Whilst electrical technology is still relatively new, BMW has made huge leaps and bounds and their i8 not only more visually impressive, but also more practical than almost any other electric car available today. But if you’re going to buy one, you need to ensure that you’re ready for it. Let’s take a look at what you will need.

Are you ready for an electric car?

One of the first questions you need to ask yourself is: are you actually ready to have an electric car? To get the most out of your BMW i8 you need to ensure that you and your home is properly prepared. The infrastructure for electric cars isn’t the same as it is for petrol and diesel models, and that’s something that drivers can take a while to get used to – this is especially true if you are used to driving cars with the kind of power than the i8 matches. If you’re going to opt for an electric car you need to make sure you’re in a position to make the most of it.

You need to have a safe, secure and covered area to park your vehicle that is close to a source of power for charging. This means that it’s only really possible to charge your car at home if you have off-street parking, like a driveway or a garage. Not being able to charge your car at home would be a serious burden for electric car owners because around 80 percent of charging is done at home.

Be careful, however, as simply owning a garage doesn’t necessarily mean you will be able to accommodate an electric car immediately – it may be necessary to make changes first. Let’s look at what you would need to do to improve your garage so that it’s ready for the car.

Renovate and upgrade your garage

So many homes have garages that simply aren’t useable – they are often filled up with junk or used for a different purpose from storing your car. But if you’re buying an electric car you’re definitely going to need to fully renovate your garage so that it is suitable for storage once again. Clearing it out can be completed quickly, although if you currently use it for DIY tasks you may need to find a new storage space for your tools.

If you’re going to be investing in a BMW i8, it’s definitely worth taking this opportunity to make a few upgrades to your garage. Work with a garage door specialist like Wessex Garage Doors who will be able to automate your garage door. Getting these sorts of upgrades can make your garage more user-friendly – it might seem fine to get out and manually open your garage every time, but in the wind and rain it can get very tiresome very quickly.

Do you need a new electric car charging port?

It should be noted that one of the advantages of BMW i8 is that it can be charged from a standard UK three-pin socket. However, the downside of using a standard socket is that it can take around eight hours for your car to completely charge from empty. That’s why many homeowners choose to have a fast charging station installed in their home. Different stations are available, but depending on the model, a fast charging station could have your i8 fully charged within three hours.

Charging points can usually be easily positioned in your garage – just hire an experienced electrician and they will be able to do the work for you. It only really gets complicated if you need to upgrade your main household fuse, as this may be necessary depending on its age.

Do make sure that you check which electric car model you have before you install a fast charging station, however, as not all are compatible with the technology. And remember that fast charging is more expensive, so you should wait to charge in off-peak time.