Miles Jackson, in his 1982 Galles Frissbee GR2, leads Eddie Lawson’s 1975 Osella through Turn 12.
Photo: Jeff Mach

Portland Historic Races (2013) – Highlights

Portland Int’l. Raceway, Portland, OR

June 27–30, 2013

Mark Sorsdahl’s 1964 Sunbeam Tiger, in the middle of a small herd of ponys.

Photo: Jeff Mach

Tom KinsmanÕs exquisite 1962 Bobsy SR II exits Turn 12.Photo: Jeff Mach
Tom Kinsman’s exquisite 1962 Bobsy SR II exits Turn 12.

Photo: Jeff Mach

Miles Jackson, in his 1982 Galles Frissbee GR2, leads Eddie Lawson’s 1975 Osella through Turn 12.

Photo: Jeff Mach

Bruce Caldwell’s 1951 Crosley Almquist lays down a smoke screen shortly before the end of his weekend.

Photo: Jeff Mach