Designed and engineered to compete with the world’s most luxurious and powerful cars, the Duesenberg Model J was introduced to the world in December 1928. It was the epitome of luxury, at a price only the elite could afford. The car was lightyears ahead of its time – with a 265 hp engine, nothing came close to the power of this production car. In fact, 30 years later the E-Type Jaguar produced the same horsepower.
The Clark Gable 1935 Model JN Convertible Coupe Auctioned by Gooding & Company
Though despite it being able to outrun anything of its day, it could not outrun the downturn in the economy. The stock market crash of 1929 played havoc with sales with only 481 cars produced from 1929 to 1937, much less than the anticipated 500 per year.