Drew Alcazar is president and founder of Russo & Steele Auctions.
DA: Well, that was an easy moment to remember because it was like an epiphany. I was probably in fifth grade and I was riding around in my friend Dale Vesley’s station wagon. He had been telling me about his older brother’s 428 Cobra Jet Mach 1, and he was totally obsessed with Shelbys. I didn’t really know what a Shelby was, but as we were riding around in the back of his mom’s station wagon he starts going nuts and he’s hitting me and he’s going, “there, there that’s a Shelby, you see it, right there!” And, parked out by this guy’s house was a 1967 GT500. Sitting up on blocks, all in primer. But the fact that the shape of his car, all in this red oxide primer, with big long hood and the scoops in it and the side scoops on the back and the ducktail spoiler, that, to me, just was like an epiphany moment. You just went, holy cow, that is just—that’s it! I’ve got to have one of those. From then on it was just kind of downhill.