Cosworth to Remanufacture DFV

Cosworth Racing has announced that it is to remanufacture the most successful engine in the history of Formula One, the iconic DFV. Cylinder blocks, heads, sumps and front covers will all soon be readily available beginning in late sp­ring/early summer.

With the increased popularity and interest in historic race series such as Tho­roughbred Grand Prix, FORCE in Europe and HGP in the United States, demand for engines and parts for the Cosworth DFV have push­ed prices of original blocks and heads to astounding heights. With Cos­worth’s re­manufacturing of these com­plex components, more own­ers will hopefully find it ap­pealing to bring their historic Formula One cars out to race.

The remanufactured components are based on the F3000 specification of the DFV from the late 1980s, with short stroke and tall sump designation. This is the specification most in use today in a variety of applications. The cylinder block is supplied complete with the sump assembly and front cover, while the cylinder heads are supplied complete with valve seats and guides. ­

Costs for the block assemblies and cylinder heads are yet to be finalized but will certainly be less expensive than the current high cost of viable used components.