Richard-Brasier, a prominent French automobile manufacturer in the early 20th century, was renowned for its high-quality engineering and competitive prowess in motorsport. Formed through the collaboration between Georges Richard, a pioneering car designer, and Charles-Henri Brasier, an experienced engineer, the company quickly gained a reputation for producing robust and reliable vehicles. Richard-Brasier cars were celebrated for their advanced technology and elegant design, which appealed to a growing market of affluent customers. The brand’s prominence was further solidified through its success in racing, most notably winning the prestigious Gordon Bennett Cup in 1904 and 1905. These victories underscored the superior performance and innovation of Richard-Brasier automobiles. Despite their early successes, the company faced financial difficulties and eventually ceased production in 1930. Nonetheless, Richard-Brasier remains a significant chapter in automotive history, remembered for its contributions to both luxury car design and early motorsport achievements.