Momo, originally renowned for its high-performance automotive accessories and racing gear, ventured into the world of car manufacturing in the 1970s with the creation of Momo cars. The most iconic model from this era was the Momo Mirage, a stylish and luxurious sports coupe designed by Peter Monteverdi and built in collaboration with the Swiss company, Monteverdi. Launched in 1971, the Momo Mirage featured a sleek, Italian-inspired design and was powered by a robust Chevrolet V8 engine, offering impressive performance and a smooth driving experience. The Mirage combined elegant aesthetics with high-quality craftsmanship, boasting a luxurious interior with premium materials and advanced features for its time. Despite its limited production run and high price, which made it a rare sight on the roads, the Momo Mirage remains a symbol of 1970s automotive luxury and the brand’s dedication to blending style with performance.