The McMurtry Spéirling, a groundbreaking electric hypercar, made waves in 2022 by shattering the Goodwood Hill Climb record. Driven by...
The Spéirling Pure, a groundbreaking electric track car, boasts a powerful 1000-bhp twin-motor powertrain and offers adjustable performance modes to...
Remember, the McMurtry Spéirling that blitzed the infamous 1.16-mile (1.87 km) Hill Climb in an astonishing 39.08 seconds, setting a...
Remember, the McMurtry Spéirling that blitzed the infamous 1.16-mile (1.87 km) Hill Climb in an astonishing 39.08 seconds, setting a...
Supercars and hypercars, as we enthusiasts all know, are some of the highest performance, most extreme vehicles that can set...
Even within the realm of extravagant multi-million-dollar electric vehicles that boast mind-boggling specifications, the McMurtry Spéirling stands out. Weighing less than...