LaSalle was an American automobile brand created by General Motors (GM) and produced from 1927 to 1940. Conceived as a companion marque to Cadillac, LaSalle was intended to fill the price gap between Buick and Cadillac, offering a more affordable yet still luxurious option. The brand was named after the French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, and aimed to evoke a sense of adventure and sophistication. Under the leadership of GM’s visionary executive Alfred P. Sloan, LaSalle was designed to attract a younger, more style-conscious clientele without compromising on quality or prestige. One of the key factors that set LaSalle apart from its competitors was its innovative and stylish design. Harley Earl, GM’s first head of design, played a pivotal role in shaping LaSalle’s aesthetic. Earl’s influence was evident in the sleek, streamlined lines and elegant proportions that became hallmarks of LaSalle vehicles. The brand’s debut model, the 1927 LaSalle Series 303, showcased these design principles, featuring a lower and wider stance than contemporary cars, which gave it a more modern and sporty appearance. This emphasis on design helped LaSalle quickly gain a reputation for producing some of the most beautiful cars of the era. Throughout its production run, LaSalle introduced several notable models that exemplified the brand’s commitment to innovation and luxury. The 1934 LaSalle, for example, featured an all-steel “turret top” roof, one of the first in the industry, which provided greater safety and structural integrity. Additionally, LaSalle was known for its powerful engines, including the smooth and reliable V8 engines that were shared with Cadillac. These technical advancements, combined with the brand’s eye-catching designs, made LaSalle a popular choice among discerning buyers. In 1940, GM decided to discontinue the LaSalle brand.