Berger Chevrolet, based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is a renowned name in the world of automotive tuning, particularly for its work on Chevrolet Camaros. Established in 1925, Berger Chevrolet initially gained prominence as a successful Chevrolet dealership. However, it was in the 1960s that Berger Chevrolet became a significant player in the muscle car era, thanks to its high-performance tuning of Camaros. In the late 1960s, Berger Chevrolet partnered with General Motors to offer special high-performance versions of the Camaro. These modified vehicles were part of a trend among Chevrolet dealerships known as the COPO (Central Office Production Order) program, which allowed dealers to order cars with unique performance features not available through regular production channels. Berger’s COPO Camaros were equipped with powerful engines, upgraded suspensions, and distinctive styling elements, making them highly sought after by performance enthusiasts. The dealership’s expertise in tuning and customizing these cars earned it a reputation for delivering some of the most potent and well-crafted Camaros on the market. The resurgence of interest in muscle cars in the 21st century saw Berger Chevrolet continue its tradition of high-performance tuning. The dealership launched a series of limited-edition Berger Camaros.