The Apollo Intenza Emozione (IE) lives up to its name, delivering intense emotion and high-performance thrills. Recently, at the Autodromo...
Based in Denkendorf, Germany, the Apollo Automobil is a German sports car manufacturer founded by Roland Gumpert in 2004. The company is known for creating powerful sports cars such as Gumpert Apollo, Apollo N, Apollo Intensa Emozione, and Apollo Arrow.
The performance car world can be brutal for automakers. It becomes even more intense as you move into the limited-series...
Check out this video by Misha Charoudin featuring an Apollo Intensa Emozione doing some laps around Nürburgring. This specific model...
The Apollo Intensa Emozione is a rare, limited-edition hypercar that costs $2.7 million and only 10 units will ever be...
If you think seeing a Pagani is a rare feat, or a Bugatti, or a Koenigsegg, or how about a...
Remember the absolutely stunning-looking Apollo IE Red Dragon we published a few weeks ago? The multi-million dollar hypercar which is...
A few weeks ago I drove up to the famous TT Circuit in Assen, the Netherlands, for the SuperCarMadness event,...
There is an important reason why performance carmakers will often stick a wing, also known as a spoiler, to the...
There are countless failed concepts for every production-spec supercar that we get to drool over on public roads. As with...
2019 Apollo IE Wallpaper Collection We have curated the ultimate collection of the best 2019 Apollo IE Wallpapers and HD...
2016 Apollo Arrow Wallpaper Collection We have curated the ultimate collection of the best 2016 Apollo Arrow Wallpapers and HD...
APOLLO Apollo Automobil GmbH (Previously known as Gumpert Sportwagenmanufaktur GmbH) is a German sports car manufacturer headquartered in Denkendorf. Roland...
A True Carbon Fiber Beast The Apollo IE hypercar is one of those cars that came out as a prototype...
The madmen behind the Gumpert, Apollo Automobil, will get some assistance from a DTM legend. Top Gear reports that Apollo...