Bowden Receives Bill Parish Award

Will Bowden of Orlando, Florida was chosen for this year’s Bill Parish Award. Supported by MGVR and Parish-Heacock Insurance, it is annually presented at MGVR’s Focus Event, this year HSR’s “Mitty” at Road Atlanta, in memory of MG racer Bill Parish. It is presented to an MG racer at the event participating in Bill’s past spirit of “Having the most fun, and being a Master of Speed Deception, while racing their MG over the years, unconcerned about race winning.”

Will, a retired Merchant Marine Officer and aerospace engineer, got his first MG—an MGTD in 1960 and was a founder of the Classic MG Club of Florida. His first vintage MG race was at Sebring in 1978 with his MGTF in a support race.