[Book Review] Grand Prix Racers – Portraits of Speed

Grand Prix Racers—Portraits of Speed

Photography by Bernard Cahier and Paul-Henri Cahier / Text by Xavier Chimits – Translated from the original French

History, it seems, is most easily recalled and relived through great photographs. Their imagery triggers instant recognition of those who captured our imagination, so vividly conveying the emotions in play at the moment of exposure that we have come to regard them as iconic. In the motor sports context, many of these striking black-and-white images date from the early days of Formula One, before television’s ubiquitous eye had discovered the sport, and often represent the only visual record we have of those bygone days.

As its title implies, Grand Prix Racers—Portraits of Speed is primarily a book of photography, and its subjects have become objects of affection for countless fans—though some, perhaps, are viewed more heroically than others. The images in this book were all captured by Bernard Cahier and his son, Paul-Henri. Bernard is F1’s original photojournalist, and did much more than simply snapping pictures or scribbling words. Likewise, Paul-Henri displays a similar talent.

Portraits can also be painted with words, and the thumbnail sketches accompanying these photographs assess the impact of each  driver. These are penned by French journalist Xavier Chimits, former editor-in-chief of the French magazine, L’Automobile, and convey the essence of the men in the photos while reflecting his views of their accomplishments and their respective places in history.

This is, therefore, a book with which you will want to curl up in a favorite chair on a quiet night with a glass of fine wine and refresh your memories of all these heroes.

Available for US$40.00 (£25.00) directly from the publisher, www.motorbooks.com