There can be no doubt about the focus of this site as it’s all right there in the url. Aimed at lovers of Jaguar automobiles, it offers various linkages that will take visitors to a raft of relevant sections where any information they seek about Jaguars can likely be found.
A “Recent Jaguar News” section provides links to relevant resources, like a notice about the availability of “replicas” of the popular XK180 concept car. One can also access a Photo Album featuring all manner of pictures, be they of complete cars, or component parts, the latter often accompanying helpful tips for the repair or replacement process.
Also popular are Web Forums where a variety of Jaguar-related topics—like cars, collectibles, concours—can be discussed. This includes searchable Forum Archives, and there is also, of course, a chat room.
Of particular historical interest is an extensive index of Promotional Brochures from the various models for perusal, if not purchase. An International Events Diary helps visitors find what Jaguar activities may be happening in their neighborhood, and there’s even an eStore showcasing merchandise glorifying their favorite marque.
Don’t take our word for it, go have a look for yourself.