Storm Frank, which battered and flooded many parts of the UK at the turn of the New Year, didn’t deter around a thousand hardy souls attending the first of the Bicester Heritage Brunch Scrambles of 2016. Held on a Sunday, the informal “Scramble” mornings allow enthusiasts to gain access to most areas of the Bicester Heritage site, which now boasts some 25-30 businesses, many associated with motoring, motor racing and engineering. Car clubs and individuals are also invited to display their particular cherished beauties for all to see. On this occasion it was a more eclectic mix of marques of all eras including Alfa Romeo, MG, Jensen, Ford, Vauxhall and Jaguar, to mention but a few, together with a sprinkling of both UK and U.S. military vehicles from WWII. On days where both weather and conditions permit, impromptu “fly-ins” by interesting visiting aircraft add to the atmosphere and spectacle, but unfortunately conditions were too poor at this event. Storm Frank will be long gone by the time the next event is held in April, so it’s hoped there will be no need for raincoats, umbrellas and gum boots either. Hats off to those who braved the elements and sought solace around a hot mug of coffee and a bacon butty.