Best Cars Of 1943 – The Greatest Cars In The World This Year

By February of 1942, all of the major automobile makers had their production lines shut down as a result of a production freeze on their 1940’s automobiles. All existing stock of unsold cars were managed by our government for the war effort. These cars were the leftover 1941 and 1942 models, and were rationed out on an as-needed basis for civilian and military use.

In general terms, no 1940’s automobiles were produced in 1943 or 1944. With that said, the auto industry claims there were 139 cars built in 1943 and 610 built in 1944. It could very well be that they used up the existing stock of vehicles and made more, but they were probably assembled from spare parts left over after the assembly lines shut down.

Related: Don’t forget our best car hub where you can find the top cars for every year.