Best Cars Of 1915 – The Greatest Cars In The World This Year

Even though the First World War broke out in Europe, 1915 was still considered a great year for the automobile industry.  Across the board, production of automobiles and accessories increased to an all time high. Factories were now on double shifts and several were working three. Workers, hours were being nine hours with ten hours pay. Studebaker had gone to eight hours with no decrease in daily wages.

The farmers were harvesting their biggest crops in years and were begging for cars. Agencies in the midwest were complaining to their suppliers for lack of cars because the farmers were getting them. Europe was now in the midst of the Great War and England and France had turned all of their companies into making war materials and did not have the facilities to manufacture automobiles. Large orders for trucks and cars came pouring into the makers here for them and exports were far above any recent years.

Related: Don’t forget our best car hub where you can find the top cars for every year.