In the vast universe of Southern California car culture, the quest for a unique “car gathering” has become near impossible. When Bugatti Veyron and McLaren Senna sightings are commonplace at Saturday morning Cars & Coffee, how do you invent something worthy of attention? After attending the second iteration of Macchinissima, I was duly impressed, which is why it gets my #1 vote for 2024. A celebration of Italian machinery, read on as I share what was truly a refreshing experience.
The vision
For years, Italian car enthusiasts Bronson Page and Mike Baum had been attending A-list car shows. Bronson explains, “We found Pebble and Quail too stodgy and commercial. So many events we attended were in boring locations, dusty parks, or hot parking lots. We knew we could do better.” Mike agreed: “Bronson and I had the idea for years about a different Italian car event that is more engaging. I have been going to car shows for over 20 years, and we felt that the usual formats are stale. We were missing a more curated experience, a younger audience, and just having a good party around the cars we love.”
Look to the “unexpected”
When Ferrari searched for a designer to pen their next supercar, the Enzo, numerous portfolios were presented by well-known penmen. Japanese industrial designer Ken Okuyama was then interviewed, where he presented a collection of anime sketches (as in not one car sketch!). Wanting a “clean slate” design that forged new territory, Ferrari chose Okuyama, and the Enzo soon became a legend.
Enter Dorian Valenzuela
While you may not think an aerospace engineer could put on a trendy car event, think again. Dorian Valenzuela’s previous life as a nightclub promoter and DJ gave the team the unique skill set needed to create a fresh energy that so many car events have lost. Enter the Ken Okuyama of Macchinissima, Dorian Valenzuela.
Dorian recalled, “In my youth, I always appreciated the excitement of a night out and that feeling of never wanting it to end. I knew the elements of my social events were the ones that captivated my guests, and I wanted to apply that to auto/moto shows. I hosted a series of small/curated shows, including the inaugural “G’s on Sunday” show at George’s Burgers in Boyle Heights, CA. I met Mike and Bronson there, and the three of us discussed how car shows need a pulse. A few lunch meetings later, the vision of Macchinissima started to take shape.”
First, the name
Don’t enter Macchinissima into Google Translate and expect an answer. Instead, the name was created by Bronson using some good old-fashioned ingenuity. “I started exploring names and came up with Macchinissima, which is a made-up word that combines Macchina(car) with intima(an intensifier meaning the most or greatest).” Works for me!
Attendance, Location, and Layout
This year’s show included over 150 Italian cars, motorcycles, and vintage bicycles. Over 1,000 visitors enjoyed Macchinissima II, held at the LA River & Garden Center in Cypress Park, CA. The center’s quaint Spanish/Mediterranean feel and architecture provided the perfect setting for Italian machinery of all eras.
When asked about the location, Mike commented, “I think we successfully. The main courtyard had wonderful coach-built Italian cars from the 50s, 60s, and 70s, including a special Alfa Romeo TZ and SIata 208SC Balbo. Visitors could stroll through a gateway lined with smaller cars like the Vignale-built Fiat 1100 or Abarth 750GT. Another courtyard was filled with race icons, including a Maserati 200SI race car that ran the Mille Miglia in 1957, a Lancia Stratos or a highly original Alfa Romeo Sprint Zagato.
The air-conditioned lounge had many couches and rest areas. Even there, we displayed Italian car history with an Alfa Giulietta Sprint, a Fiat 1100 rally car, a Lancia Appia GTE Zagato, and a super cute Fiat 126. Outside of the gardens, there were many curated moments, including a selection of all red cars echoed by another selection of all silver cars.
We had the 80s and 90s icons like a triple-white Countach on one side and a selection of rare Maseratis on the other. There were hot rod Alfa GTVs, including the Fast % Furious franchise Alfa from the Fast 10 movie, a 4-door sedan, and so much more. We wanted to wow visitors by creating a sensory overload of Italian motoring.”
More than pretty cars
As previously mentioned, creating something unique and memorable in the car world has to go beyond just cars, regardless of their rarity. I loved the inclusion of two-wheeled machinery, with numerous Italian motorcycles, scooters (e.g., Vespa), and road bicycles (fresh idea). Triple Beam Pizza offered some scrumptious Italian fare, while Café Santo crafted provided the espresso bar. Several DJs spun various music, so when the team said they wanted to put a pulse in their show, they meant it!
Looking ahead to Macchinissima III
Mike, Bronson, and Dorian are already working on the third version, building on their successful formula of quality over quantity. In conversing about the forthcoming show in 2025, they agreed that the “experience” is priority one, versus just more cars and tee-shirts. Attention to authentic food, music, and drinks is a continuing goal, as the three agree that the experience has to be attractive to all ages. There is also some discussion about vehicles in motion; now you have my attention!
Mike added, “I loved seeing so many younger enthusiasts in their 20s and 30s at the show. We really want to introduce these awesome cars to them so they can get familiar with them and hopefully start buying them to discover what great cars they are.” I can’t agree more, and with such a cool experience, I assure you Macchinissima III is already on target do just that. Great job guys.
Above content © 2024 Rex McAfee
Bonus Gallery by Royce Rumsey