Auction House Shake-up

In early December, Miles Morris and Malcolm Welford, guiding lights in Christie’s Auction House’s U.S. motoring department, announced that they were leaving the company to form their own historic car consultation and brokerage company.

According to Morris, “We plan to specialize at the high end of the marketplace and already a number of great cars have been promised our way. The chance to work for ourselves is an ambition realized.” The new company, to be known as Morris & Welford, will be based both in Connecticut with Morris and Southern California with Welford and will specialize in the private acquisition and sales of historic automobiles.

Meanwhile Christies has not yet announced who will take the team’s place, leaving the venerable auction house temporarily without specialists based in the United States. Interested parties can now reach Miles Morris at (203) 722-3333 or Malcolm Welford at (949) 260-1636.