Westfield 0-60 & Quarter Mile Times
Westfield Acceleration & Performance Data
Introducing Westfield's 0-60 mph and Quarter Mile times for all models. Below, we have painstakingly collected and organized all the Westfield performance data we could get our hands on. Our data table and chart provides a comprehensive overview of each Westfield model's performance capabilities.
This page aims to put all of the performance metrics of Westfield's entire model range in one place, providing enthusiasts and prospective buyers with valuable insights into each vehicle's acceleration capabilities. We know that 0-60 times don't tell us the full performance picture, but by reviewing 0-60 mph times at least you can get a benchmark for measuring a car's acceleration prowess, and the quarter mile times, which offer a glimpse into its straight-line speed, readers can gain a deeper understanding of Westfield's performance pedigree. Westfield Sportscars, a British manufacturer known for their lightweight, open-wheel kit cars, has established a reputation for prioritizing raw performance and thrilling driving experiences. Their vehicles, often inspired by the iconic Lotus Seven, are designed to deliver exceptional power-to-weight ratios, resulting in acceleration and handling capabilities that rival more expensive and exotic sports cars.
Throughout its history, Westfield has offered a wide range of models, each with varying levels of performance. However, their focus has always been on maximizing performance through lightweight construction, powerful engines, and minimal driver aids. The Westfield MegaS2000, for example, utilized a Honda S2000 engine and transmission, delivering a potent combination of high-revving power and precise handling. The Westfield XTR2, another notable model, embraced extreme lightweight engineering, tipping the scales at just over 400 kg. With a variety of engine options available, including motorcycle-derived powerplants, the XTR2 could achieve astonishing acceleration and cornering speeds, making it a favorite among track day enthusiasts.
Westfield's approach to performance is rooted in a purist philosophy. They believe that driving should be an unfiltered and visceral experience, where the driver feels directly connected to the machine and the road. This focus on raw performance and driver engagement has earned Westfield a loyal following among enthusiasts who appreciate the thrill of driving a lightweight, high-performance machine. While Westfield may not have the same brand recognition as some larger automakers, their commitment to performance and their unique approach to car building have garnered respect and admiration from the automotive community. Their vehicles may not be for everyone, but for those who crave a pure and unadulterated driving experience, a Westfield is sure to deliver.
Westfield 0-60 mph & Quarter Mile Times
Westfield models and their performance in terms of 0-60 mph and quarter-mile acceleration times. Narrow down your search via the filters.
ID | Year | Make | Model | Full Model & Variant | Full Year, Model & Variant | 0-60 mph | 1/4 Mile Time |
1 | 1996 | Westfield | Westfield Spa | Westfield Spa | 1996 Westfield Spa | 6.00 | 14.60 |
2 | 1999 | Westfield | Westfield FW400 | Westfield FW400 | 1999 Westfield FW400 | 4.40 | 12.70 |
3 | 2008 | Westfield | Westfield XI | Westfield XI | 2008 Westfield XI | 9.20 | 17.20 |
4 | 2013 | Westfield | Westfield Sport | Westfield Sport Turbo | 2013 Westfield Sport Turbo | 4.40 |
Every Westfield Ranked From Fastest to Slowest
Below, we compare Westfield models and their performance. This table is filtered by the filters above, so feel free to narrow down your data set.
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