Chaparral Models: In-Depth Guides

We take a look at the Chaparral model list and take a deep dive into the models that make this marquee so special.

At Watkins Glen they said, “It looks like the box it came in.” Even that harsh judgement of the appearance of the new Chaparral 2J may have been too generous. However, handsome is as handsome does and in its astonishing way the 2J did handsomely. A World Champion was sufficiently...
No racing car exemplified and exploited the admirable freedom of the Can-Am series rules more than the 1966 Chaparral 2E. It introduced new aerodynamic concepts that were game-changing, though it took a while for others to catch on. Jim Hall’s Chaparrals were the cars to beat when the Can-Am series...
I grew up designing on a drawing board, right to the end of my time in motor racing, and I’m still on a drawing board today. I’ve designed a lot of cars from scratch, and when I say from scratch I mean a blank piece of paper. Even in today’s...
1961 Chaparral 1 In 1961 Jim Hall worked closely with Troutman and Barnes as well as Chevrolet to develop his first all-American racecar. The result was a highly-potent car that could challenge the Maserati and Listers which Hall previously sold at his dealership in Dallas, Texas. The Chaparral 1 was...
Chaparral 2J Legend “according to Jim Hall” has the idea for the Chaparral 2J came to him through a child’s drawing that was sent to him as part of the fan mail that made its way to Midland. Whether true or not it must be remembered that Hall, always self...
Chaparral 2H   Looking back over the years you have to wonder how Jim Hall could have gotten it so wrong with the Chaparral 2H but it must be remembered that true genius must be allowed to fail and with the Chaparral 2H he certainly did that. The car called...
Chaparral 2E In 1966 Chaparral introduced the 2E for the Can-Am series. With its high mounted wing it was the car that changed racing forever. It scored a one-two finish at Laguna Seca with Phil Hill and Jim Hall driving. The 2E was brilliantly conceived. The wing was mounted high...
Personally, I have driven some really good machines. I had a 917 Porsche that I thought was a truly remarkable car, and a 962, too. The only Indy car I had wished I had been able to race was the turbine car, because it was so dominant when it ran....
February 11, 1962, brings back a very striking memory. I had been married for only eight days, yet for some reason I was sitting in front of a black and white television watching the Daytona 3-Hour Sports Car Race. Perhaps other things should be clearer in my memory, but there...
The first Ch­ap­arral, the front-engine car, wasn’t my design, that was done by Dick Troutman and Tom Barnes. They came to me and said that they wanted to build this car, and that they felt they had learned a lot building the Scarab and wanted to follow on from that...

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