One Off: The Roads, the Races, the Automobiles of Toly Arutunoff
By Anatoly Arutunoff
As memoirs go, this first-person account of the life and times of the inimitable Mr. Arutunoff is a vivid and compelling confession of the ins and outs of both his racing career and his everyday existence. Best of all is that the main title fits the tale perhaps better than any other ever did.
Basic journalistic conventions simply seem not to apply to this astute blend of storytelling and self-analysis, with the reader left to determine which is which. The author’s powers of observation are unmatched—well, at least now they are, because he apparently missed out on many parts of the story the first time around. Or so he says. Maybe he’s just having us on!
Still, Arutunoff manages to capture the basic elements of his own essence in a tale laced with cars and women, those two seemingly inseparable elements of every man’s desire. And let’s not forget the icosahedral humor draped upon and running throughout everything, because this is the reason you will remember this book.
Available for $39.95 from Beeman Jorgensen Inc. (800) 553-5319 or on the web at