[Book Review] Tales from the Toolbox

The Ferrari Phenomenon

By Matt Stone and Luca Dal Monte

After six decades and innumerable books published about Ferrari, one could believe that everything that could be said—historically, anyway—has already been said. Given the popularity of the legendary marque, however, authors are wont to try, and these two seem to have struck an original vein in that well-mined territory.

Their collaboration draws strength from their positions within the industry, Stone as executive editor of Motor Trend, Dal Monte as a long-time player in corporate public relations for Ferrari’s parent Fiat Group, and it’s an admirable pairing of perspectives.

Their tales may be ones you’ve heard before, but then again I suspect that many are those you have not. The unconventional approach has led to a narrative comprised of large and small segments, from a recounting of Patriarch Enzo’s life, through a factory tour, to grainy photos of one of his namesake supercars broken scandalously in two on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu.

If you have any connection or attraction to Ferrari, you are going to want this book. Available for US$39.95 (£25.99) from enthusiast bookstores or direct from publisher David Bull at www.bullpublishing.com