[Book Review] The First American Grand Prix: The Savannah Auto Races, 1908-1911

The First American Grand Prix: The Savannah Auto Races, 1908-1911

by Tanya A. Bailey

The city of Savannah is a port on Georgia’s Atlantic coast, and at the turn of the 20th century enjoyed an apparent addiction to speed, as local residents flocked to witness foot races, horse races, bicycle races, boat races and, ultimately, automobile races.

Author Bailey, however, begins her account well before that, when what we would come to call automobiles were no more than visions and dreams in the minds of men named Bacon, da Vinci and others, then traces these ideas through to the earliest days of automotive competition, where her real story begins.

Interestingly, the racing scene even then was mired in political disagreement over who should be in charge—seems such has been ever so—but the citizens of Savannah welcomed the opportunity to show off their town. This civic pride produced a handful of races, beginning with the American Grand Prize in 1908, ’09 and ’11, and a Vanderbilt Cup contest in 1911, all of which are detailed in this book.

After 1911, however, the sport faded from Savannah’s consciousness as the Grand Prize and Vanderbilt Cup races were moved to Milwaukee, and the first Indianapolis 500 also took place. Bailey chronicles it all with insight and dedication, making this book a must-read for anyone interested in the early era of American racing.

Available for US$39.95 directly from publisher McFarland at www.mcfarlandpub.com or by calling (800) 253-2187.