A Portrait of the Vintage Sports-Car Club 1934-2014
by Thomas Pellow
Following on from the 80th Anniversary celebrations of the Vintage Sports-Car Club in 2014, the club has further cemented the occasion by publishing a book, A Portrait of the Vintage Sports-Car Club 1934-2014 written by VSCC member Thomas Pellow.
It was the early 1930s when the Nicholson cousins and a band of fellow enthusiasts met to discuss the possibility of forming a motor club for the “not-so-rich.” At that same meeting, regulations for membership were approved that included owners of cars manufactured before January 1, 1931, would be the only vehicles accepted and home-built cars would be eligible at the discretion of the Committee. Lastly, but by no means least, the VSCC name was agreed.
In this 288-page, hardback edition, Pellow has traced the history back to this embryonic meeting using club records, back issues of the club magazine The Bulletin and a previous publication, History of the Vintage Sports-Car Club by Peter Hull as reference. A small working committee was formed to assist Pellow in joining the many facets of information at hand producing a credible and informative historical publication. As with all documents of this type, I’m sure, there will be things missed and some individuals upset at a failure to acknowledge certain events or work. Many volumes would have had to be written to prevent this.
Like many other clubs, the Second World War was a natural and inevitable interlude, but it is good to see how quickly it re-established itself again after the cessation of hostilities. Stalwarts of the club, notably Tim Carson, are celebrated. It was he who “developed and consolidated the rapidly expanding Club,” steering it through, as the membership grew to 3,000 in number by the late 1950s. The satirical piece referring to the conduct of new members is very amusing. It also includes the Secretary’s admiration for the Vauxhall 30-98 and the consequences of disagreeing with his views—again priceless!
The book, while tracing the history of the club, isn’t a dull read and is kept very much alive by the pictorial content. Photographs, cartoons, artwork and diagrams woven into the text, which itself is split into easy-to-read paragraphs of explanation, anecdotes, diary notes and even pieces of poetry, allow it to be a publication that can both entertain and inform, being easily read in part or whole. You don’t necessarily have to be a member of the VSCC to appreciate the read either.It is as much about the social history and competition of vintage motorsport, as opposed to just an insiders view.
Available direct from www.vscc.co.uk £35 + P&P.